Planning the Perfect Proposal

Planning the Perfect Proposal | The Inside Scoop

The Inside Scoop is a series featuring insider tips from the Just Marry! team. In this series you’ll pick up helpful insights on everything from wedding planning to all Orlando has to offer. Be sure to stalk us on all of our social media platforms to discover different ways we address every topic in this series!


For many people, a marriage proposal comes about only once in a lifetime. That adds a lot of pressure on the person doing the proposing to make sure it’s memorable in the best way! Whether your significant other is a social butterfly seeking a proposal that will go down in social media history or a quiet introvert seeking something private and romantic, we’re here to offer you our tips on planning the perfect proposal!

Here are a few ways you can prepare ahead of time to ensure your proposal goes off without a hitch—and with a resounding “Yes!”

  • Find out the ring size. While it’s always possible to get a ring resized after the engagement, it’s a much better experience for both of you if the ring fits. There are subtle ways to get the ring size ahead of time, from taking another ring to the jeweler for comparison to asking a roommate or best friend for assistance. You could also trace an existing ring when it’s not being worn!
  • Do some style detecting. If your significant other wants the ring style to be a surprise, take some photos of other rings and jewelry he or she wears and show them to the jeweler. Your jeweler can guide you towards the best styles. Even better? Take a stroll through a jewelry store and pay attention to what ring styles most catch your significant other’s attention.
  • Listen. It’s likely your significant other has an opinion on proposals that he or she finds wonderfully romantic or simply terrible. Listen to what he or she says about proposals among friends, on television, or in entertainment news, and use that feedback to plan your own proposal!

If you’re planning a proposal, don’t miss all of the helpful tips we’ve included in the latest edition of the Just Marry! Insider:Want help planning the perfect proposal or planning your wedding? Contact Us and let us know how we can help!

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